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IFS Certification


The International Food Standard (IFS) is one the most common food safety standards that assess and evaluate food suppliers around food safety with a consistent evaluation. IFS certification helps retailers ensure food safety of their products effectively, and monitor the standard level of producers of retailers’ in-house brand food products systemically. 

For suppliers, having to undergo one single IFS certification to demonstrate compliance takes away the hassle of running multiple second party audits, allowing them to be more attentive to manufacturing and improving productivity. 

IFS certification is delivered by Eurofins Assurance India Pvt Ltd in Germany. You can view relevant scope of accreditation here.

While the accreditation is held by our offices in Germany, our local teams in India are responsible for managing the certifications and audits, ensuring local expertise while maintaining compliance with international standards.

IFS Food Version 8 

The new version 8 of the IFS Food programme has been released on April 18th, 2023. This new version has been developed with the input of experts and key stakeholders from food suppliers, retailers and certification bodies. Thanks to everyone’s hard work and implication, the version 8 has been made easier and better structured, more efficient and more practical for auditors and companies to work with. 

IFS Food version 8 audits will be available from 1 October 2023 and will become mandatory as of 1 January 2024. Key changes in IFS Food Version 8 include: 

  • Updated Codex Alimentarius General principles of hygiene 
  • Alignment to New ISO 22003-2 
  • Food safety culture implementation has now objective requirement 
  • Revision of the scoring system, especially B scoring 
  • Mandatory unannounced audits and counting details 

Requirements of IFS food 

IFS Food is a world standard for assessing product and process compliance in reference to food safety and quality. 

The IFS Food standard applies to suppliers in the least steps of food processing after the agricultural stage. IFS Foods requirements are associated with the standard management system which are the HACCP system (Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Points), supported by detailed prerequisite programmes that include GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice), GLP (Good Laboratory Practice) and GHP (Good Hygiene Practice) requirements.  

IFS Food meets the standards of the worldwide Food Safety Initiative by CIES. 

IFS Certification process  

In general, there are four steps in the IFS certification and each company should undergo the certification every year. 

IFS Certification step 1: 

  • Submit application form to any IFS Certification Body. Eurofins is an approved Certification Body. You can apply to us anytime! 
  • Confirm quotation and scope  

IFS Certification step 2: 

  • Schedule audit 
  • Conduct on-site audit  
  • Post audit, close any findings/ non-conformances 

IFS Certification step 3: 

  • Review audit file 

IFS Certification step 4: 

  • Issue IFS Certificate 

and a consistent thanks to evaluate the standard level of suppliers reduces the necessity for second party audits 

While it's going to be a ticket to trade with retailers, it's also an opportunity for you to demonstrate your commitment to food safety, quality, and legality, and to figure on continual improvement. 

Benefits of IFS Certified Companies  

For retailers, supply chain management becomes more consistent and efficient with a single IFS Certification that is trusted by both the retailers and suppliers. For suppliers, a single certification scheme reduces the general costs of compliance fulfillment, benefitting practitioners, workers, and consumers. 

There are also a couple of mutual benefits in adopting IFS Certification 

  • Provide evidence of commitment and compliance on food safety to existing and potential food buyers
  • Build and operate a robust management system to fulfill food safety requirement and regulatory requirements effectively, in particular for countries where the finished food products are consumed  
  • Establish a tool for food safety performance monitoring and benchmarking so as to drive improvement continuously and efficiently 
  • Facilitate reductions in product waste, product reworking, and merchandise recall and thereby raise productivity and margin 

Why choosing Eurofins 

Eurofins Food Assurance network of company is a IFS approved Certification Body. We are committed to provide a five-star experience throughout the entire IFS certification process with our excellent customer service and in-depth certification knowledge. 

Partner with us on your IFS Certification for 

  • High quality on audit reports 
  • Stringent compliance to protocols 
  • Robust experience and competences of auditors 
  • Reliable turnaround Time  
  • Customer-centric attitude  

 Send your enquiry to us, or call us anytime for your IFS Certification! 

Our certification activities are provided by independent companies and separate from consulting activities. Such services are also presented and sold to clients separately, not in bundle or packaged format. Impartiality is safeguarded by Eurofins Assurance’ relevant policies to avoid conflicts of interest.