Need for Dioxins Testing in Food

Dioxins and PCBs are global contaminants found everywhere in many foodstuffs that people generally consume. As we all knew that these are produced as a result of man-made processes, and ongoing contamination in food chain can ultimately result in significant consumer exposure.
Long term exposure to these dioxins may cause reproductive and developmental problems, may have adverse effects on the immune system, interfere with hormonal functions. Increased exposure to dioxin and related chemicals may leads to a specific skin condition called chloracne, decreased sperm production and increased risk of cancer.
More than 90% of human exposure to these toxic chemicals is mainly through food. The food sources include – meat, dairy products, animal fats, fish, shell fish and many more.
Dioxins and Related Compounds finds place in many Food Stuffs including
- Meat and related products
- Sea foods like Fish (shell fish/ fin fish)
- Poultry
- Eggs
- Milk and related milk products
- Added fats in pan cakes
- Cream soups
- Desserts
- Animal fats
- Processed foods, cooked foods and food stuffs
- Animal fodder
Testing requirements
Dioxins are usually measured as Toxicity Equivalent Quantities (TEQs) or parts per trillion (ppt) of toxicity equivalents.
Most of the analytical procedures adopted for dioxins in foods and feeds testing use sophisticated techniques as per EC No 1883/2006 and EC No 152/2009 such as gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GCMS).
Eurofins comprehensive range of services can help you in
- Brand Protection: Protect brand equity and customer loyalty by delivering healthy and safe food.
- Consumer Safety: Protect your customers from any contaminated, modified and unhealthy food.
- Compliance with Standards: Ensure your products are in compliance with local, national and international rules and regulations for food and food products.
- Ensure correct storage, shipping, packing and distribution: of commodities, food ingredients and food products