Eurofins Water Testing Service

Eurofins Analytical India is one of the finest water testing laboratory in India, Eurofins commitment to provide quality service, accurate result in time and expert advice by its highly qualified staff has made many of the top brands in India our regular customer for their analytical needs.
Eurofins Analytical India recognizes water quality to be critical to public health protection, whether in water supplies or as a component of food and beverages. Eurofins has a very well equipped lab with latest equipment and we provide a comprehensive and one-stop testing service to businesses and organizations involved in food processing, Agro products, Export, Hospitality, Retail chains and other Industries.
Eurofins provides clients with a trusted laboratory partner that can respond to their needs with reliable analysis solutions. Our portfolio of service for water testing is very wide and make us a one-stop lab for all your analytical needs.
Parameters and Matrices offered
LT2 | VOC & SVOC Analysis |
Arsenic | PFC Testing in Water |
Organic Contaminants |
Antibiotics analysis |
1,2,3-TCP | GEO-Chemical analysis |
Inorganic Contaminants |
Cations & Anions Suite |
Perchlorate | Disinfection By Products |
1,4-Dioxane | DM Water Analysis in General |
Algal Toxins | Carbamates and Other Pesticides |
UCMR4 Testing | Contaminants of Emerging Concern |
Microbiology | Organochlorine Pesticides in Water |
Radioactivity | Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon Analysis |
Alcohol Analysis | Organophosphorous Pesticides in Water |
Hexavalent Chromium |
Water Analysis as per IS 10500, IS 14543, IS 13428 |