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Fortified Rice Kernels Testing

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Fortified rice kernels are rice grains enriched with a mix of vitamins and minerals to address micronutrient deficiencies, particularly in populations that rely heavily on rice as a staple food. These kernels are produced through a process called extrusion, which involves blending a nutrient mixture with rice flour and shaping the blend into rice-like kernels. Once produced, the fortified kernels are mixed with regular rice at a ratio of 0.5-2%. This method is considered the most robust for rice fortification and can be applied to any rice variety. The fortified rice kernels can also be customized in terms of shape, size, and colour to create food products with broad appeal.

Micronutrients deficiencies can lead to a range of health problems, including anaemia, impaired immune function, and developmental delays in children. Fortification of rice with essential micronutrients is a cost-effective and sustainable way to improve the nutritional status of populations, and it has been endorsed by organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF).

Types of fortified rice kernels

There are different types of fortified rice kernels available, depending on the specific micronutrients added and the intended target population. Here are some examples:

Type of Fortified Rice

Key Micronutrient(s)


Iron-fortified rice


Healthy red blood cells and cognitive development

Zinc-fortified rice


Immune function and growth and development

Vitamin A-fortified rice

Vitamin A

Vision, immune function, and growth and development

Multiple micronutrient-fortified rice

Iron, Zinc, Vitamins A, B1, B3, B6, B12

Comprehensive approach to addressing multiple micronutrient deficiencies

Importance of rice kernels testing



Ensuring Nutrient Content

Verification of Nutrient Levels: Confirms the fortified kernels contain intended vitamins and minerals. Consistency: Ensures each batch has a consistent nutrient profile.

Quality and Safety Assurance

Food Safety: Ensures fortified kernels are free from microbiological contaminants and toxins. Stability Testing: Assesses nutrient stability during storage and cooking.

Sensory Attributes

Consumer Acceptance: Ensures the appearance, taste, and texture are appealing to consumers. Customization: Allows for sensory attribute adjustments to meet population preferences.

Regulatory Compliance

Meeting Standards: Ensures compliance with local and international food fortification regulations. Labeling Accuracy: Allows for precise nutrient content labeling.

Efficacy in Addressing Deficiencies

Impact Assessment: Evaluates the effectiveness of fortified kernels in improving nutritional status and health outcomes.

Process Optimization

Production Quality Control: Identifies and resolves deviations during production. Research and Development: Supports improved formulations and fortification techniques.


Testing Fortified Rice Kernels


Testing Criteria


Nutrient Content Analysis



Vitamins and Minerals

Verify specified amounts of vitamins (e.g., A, B-complex, folic acid) and minerals (e.g., iron, zinc, calcium)

Use analytical methods like HPLC, ICP-MS, or spectrophotometry to measure nutrient levels


Ensure consistent distribution of nutrients within the kernels

Statistical sampling and analysis to confirm uniform nutrient distribution

Sensory Evaluation




Assess shape, size, and color to match specifications

Visual inspection and comparison to standard references

Taste and Texture

Evaluate taste and texture of cooked fortified rice

Sensory panels and consumer taste tests

Physical and Chemical Stability



Storage Stability

Test nutrient stability during storage under various conditions

Long-term storage tests at different temperatures, humidity levels, and light exposures

Cooking Stability

Verify nutrient stability during cooking processes

Analyze nutrient retention after cooking using standard cooking methods

Microbiological Testing




Ensure kernels are free from harmful microorganisms and comply with safety standards

Microbiological assays (e.g., testing for pathogens like E. coli, Salmonella)

Consumer Acceptance Testing



Acceptance and Satisfaction

Conduct trials with target populations

Surveys and feedback collection from consumers regarding taste, texture, and overall satisfaction

Regulatory Compliance




Ensure compliance with local and international food safety and fortification standards

Review and align with regulations such as Codex Alimentarius, FDA, EFSA guidelines

Market overview

The market growth can be attributed to the increasing demand for nutrient-rich foods, rising awareness about the importance of a healthy diet, and a growing prevalence of micronutrient deficiencies worldwide. New technologies to produce fortified rice products and the investments made by governments and private players in research and development as factors driving the market growth. Overall, the fortified rice market is expected to experience a CAGR of 6.3% during the forecast period 2022-2027 and reach a market size of $28.4 billion by 2027.

According to the FSSAI, a scientific panel is developing standards for fortified rice kernels (FRKs) to ensure quality and blending efficiency. Rice can be fortified using dusting, coating, or extrusion technology, with extrusion being the preferred method. The Food Fortification Resource Centre (FFRC) provides testing parameters for labs using FSSAI validated methods for testing of fortified rice. The standards that have been put in place by FSSAI for fortified rice are



Level of Fortification per Kg



(a) Ferric pyrophosphate (b) Sodium Iron (III) Ethylene

diamine tetra Acetate,Trihydrate (Sodium federate-Na Fe EDTA)

20 mg


Folic acid

1300 µg


Vitamin B12



10 µg



Zinc Oxide

30 mg


Vitamin A

Retinyl Palmitate

1500 μg RE


Thiamine (Vitamin B1)

Thiamine hydrochloride

Thiamine mononitrate

3.5 mg


Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)

Riboflavin 5'-phosphate sodium

4 mg


Niacin-Nicotinamide, Nicotinic acid

42 mg


Pyridoxine(Vitamin B6)-Pyridoxine


5 mg


Eurofins role in testing fortified rice kernels

Eurofins is a global leader in food testing and analytical services, and they offer a variety of services for testing fortified rice kernels. These services help to ensure that the rice kernels are safe for consumption and meet regulatory requirements.

Here are some of the specific services that Eurofins offers for testing fortified rice kernels:

  • Micronutrient analysis: Eurofins can test rice kernels for a variety of micronutrients, such as iron, vitamin A, and folic acid. This is important to ensure that the rice kernels are meeting the fortification standards that have been set by regulatory bodies.
  • Contaminant testing: Eurofins can also test rice kernels for contaminants, such as mycotoxins and pesticides. This is important to ensure that the rice kernels are safe for consumption.
  • Microbiological testing: Eurofins can test rice kernels for harmful bacteria and other microorganisms. This is important to ensure that the rice kernels are not a source of foodborne illness.
  • Shelf-life testing: Eurofins can help to determine the shelf life of fortified rice kernels. This is important to ensure that the rice kernels remain nutritious and safe to eat for as long as possible.
  • Consulting services: Eurofins also offers consulting services to help food manufacturers and processors comply with regulations related to fortified rice kernels. This can include assistance with product formulation, labelling requirements, and overall product quality and safety.

By using Eurofins' services, food manufacturers and processors can help to ensure that their fortified rice kernels are safe, nutritious, and meet all regulatory requirements.