Egg and Egg Products Testing

Eggs is considered to be one of the nature's most complete foods. Egg protein is of highest biological value. It plays a crucial role in balancing human nutrition. Eggs contain lipids, minerals, vitamins apart from most significant protein component. All the parts that constitute an egg are important in maintaining its quality which includes egg shell, yolk and egg white.
Egg comes under highly perishable food commodity and hence retaining its quality from farm to fork remains challenging. Quality specifications are increasingly regulated on eggs and related products and success depends on what extent the individual organization follows quality control and remains competitive. Many products have been developed from egg components and are highly valuable.
Egg Derived Products Finds Applications in Food Industry Including -
- Liquid eggs (whole eggs with additional yolks)
- Frozen eggs – egg whites, whole eggs and egg yolks
- Dried and powdered eggs
- Mayonnaise
- Egg pasta
- Egg protein powders
- Meringue Powder
- Dry Egg Substitutes or Replacements – made from whey protein, egg whites, dextrose, additives etc.,
- Spray dried whole eggs
- Scrambled and fried eggs
- Instant Egg white solids
- Whole egg solids
- Egg yolk solids
- Whole hard cooked eggs
Processing of eggs into various products involves many stages such as Collection, handling, Washing, Grading, Candling, Egg breakers, Quality tests, Pasteurization, Preservation of shell, Freezing and Egg liquid Cold storage, Drying, Quality Control and Standardization De-sugarization, Packaging and storage. Preservation of eggs is carried out by certain techniques such as pasteurization, freezing, cold storage and drying.
Egg Quality and Safety
Millions of eggs have been contaminated, destroyed and egg products are removed from the supermarkets and stores on a daily basis.
Quality of an egg depends on
- External factors like shape, texture, shell cleanliness, colour, weight
- Internal factors include placement of egg yolk, porosity, measurement of air cell, albumen
Food standard agencies have set certain rules and regulations to protect human health from various risks such as pesticides on eggs and sometimes use of non-approved pesticides.
EFSA recommended pesticide analysis especially acaricides in animal products after an incident was reported in 2017 that is use of Fipronil insecticide in egg samples. As per the European union EC No – 396/2005 of the European Parliament, maximum residue limit of fipronil in eggs is 0.005 mg/kg.
Eggs are a widely used ingredient in a number of food products and they pose several allergies for egg sensitive people. 2 percent of children are supposed to be allergic to eggs. Egg proteins are likely to cause allergic reactions compared to egg yolk. To prevent this, the manufacturer needs to make its products undergo an egg test, along with an egg quality test.
- Eurofins has merged the relevant analytical expertise and sophisticated equipment into the laboratory of excellence for egg and derived products. We primarily focus on ensuring quality and safety of your products.
- Our experts in Eurofins are capable to work with you in ensuring regulatory compliance and delivering customer satisfaction.
- We offer a complete range of solutions in testing, inspection, training, scientific and regulatory consultation and certification.
Eurofins Comprehensive Portfolio of Testing Services
- Assay for Nutritional Value
- Fat content
- Protein
- Minerals
- Vitamins
- Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids.
- Microbiological analysis
- Testing for salmonella
- Coliform bacteria
- Staphylococcus
- Streptococcus
- Shigella
- Total yeast and mold count
- Impurity tests
- Pesticide residues
- Melamine
- Mycotoxins
- Detection of egg in food by performing immunological ELISA test
- Determination of L-Lactic acid
- Determination of 3-hydrobutyric acid
- Determination of cholesterol
- Identification of Xanthophylls on egg powders
- Determination of carotenoids for colour detection of the egg
- Chemical analyses including salt content, sugar content, yolk percentage and colour
- Organoleptic evaluation
- Identification of food borne pathogens like Salmonella enteritidis (SE)
- Detection of contaminants including
- Pesticide residues – fipronil, glyphosate
- Heavy Metals - lead, cadmium and mercury
- Melamine
- Shelf-life studies
An acceptable shelf life is achieved by performing a controlled shelf life study in an accredited lab. Shelf-life study of eggs can be based on Food Packaging & Novel preserving methods and on storage techniques.
Eurofins Contribution
Being a world leading food testing analytical laboratory, in ensuring food safety and quality, our team is able to provide accurate and timely microbiology and chemistry testing results to reduce your risk of contamination or recall. Our proven and reliable laboratory network provides clients with science-based solutions and expert guidance right from farm to fork. We will offer testing services for existing and innovative, new food products
From isolating and identifying foodborne pathogens to product stability and nutritional content, we offer a full portfolio of services to ensure the quality and safety of foods.
Eurofins is Ready to Support You
- We are equipped with state-of-the-art equipment such as high-resolution GC-MS, HPLC, LC-MS/MS, ICP-MS, real-time PCR and NMR systems
- We provide Fast turn-around time (TAT) services to our clients
- We offer testing services regionally, nationally, and internationally
- We also introduced online services such as ordering and analytical results on-line (EOL)
- Active participation in industry associations and regulatory bodies, and gathering early advice on potential food scares and legal obligations
- Expert advice related to testing schemes, on-site-check for hygiene and allergens, labelling advice and traceability
- Reliable results
- International presence