Food Packaging Testing

Packaging plays an important role in food and migration sector. Food Packaging testing can be simplified as an industrial as well as marketing technique meant for containment, protection, identification and supporting the sale and distribution of agricultural, industrial and consumer products. There are various definitions used to describe packaging, its types, functions. According to UK institute of packaging, it can be summarized as a coordinated system of preparing goods for transportation, storage, retailing and end-use and can also be considered as a means to ensure safe delivery to the ultimate consume in proper condition at minimum cost too.
Role of Food Packaging Testing
Packaging serves many roles in order to maintain the benefits of food processing after the process is complete and enables food to travel safely for long distances. Important functions of packaging include
- Protection/ Preservation
- Containment and food waste reduction
- Marketing and information
- Traceability
- Convenience
- Tamper indication
Other functions include – communication, unitization, brand communication, promotion, apportionment of the product into standard units of weight, measure etc.,
Characteristics of Effective Food Packaging
Here are some of the important requirements of food packages
- Should be non-toxic
- Should protect against contaminants
- Should be a barrier to moisture or oxygen
- Should protect against ingress of odors or toxicants from environment
- Should be a UV light filtrate
- Should resist to physical damage
- Should be tamper-resistant, tamper- evident, transparent, easy to open, cost effective, easy disposable
- Should maintain compatibility with food
We offer accurate, rapid and reliable testing services for different packaging materials like
- Metals – aluminum, foils, laminates, tin plates, tin free Metallized films
- Paper and paper boards – kraft paper, sulphite paper, grease proof paper, glassine paper, parchment paper, white board
- Plastics – polyolefins, polyesters, polycarbonate, PEN, PET, EVOH, PVC, polyamide, laminates, co-extrusions, biodegradable plastics
- Glass
Testing Services Offered by Eurofins
Testing of packaging is mainly done to ensure safety for the content it carries during transportation and ware housing. We offer broad range of testing methods that are applicable to food products and ingredients, as well as for new food packaging designs.
Eurofins offer two types of testing services like chemical tests and mechanical tests
- Migration testing for food contact materials (FCM) – overall migration limit, special migration limit, color migration as per FSSAI packaging Regulation 2019
- Migration testing for food contact materials (FCM) – overall migration limit, special migration limit, color migration as per (EU) No 10/2011 and FDA regulations
- Overall migration as per IS 9845 and EN 1186
- Specific migration for metals and poly aromatic amines
- Detection of potential toxic components including heavy metals like cadmium, hexavalent chromium, lead, mercury, phthalates, volatile organic substances
- Plasticizers
- Biodegradable packaging food contact testing
- Bisphenol-A
The Eurofins significance:
- Our knowledge and experience in food package testing offers unique advantages for sorting out complex issues through analytical testing As per our customers interest and specific need we will offer special services.
- Fast turn-around time (TAT)
- We have local contact along with a Global Network
- Participation in industry associations and regulatory bodies allowing early advice on potential food scares and legal obligations
- Expert advice - testing schemes, on-site-check for hygiene and allergens, labelling advice and traceability
- Ensure your products and our testing services meet the regulations of local, national and international rules for food and food products.
- Ensure correct storage, shipping, packing and distribution of commodities, food ingredients and food