Prebiotics and Probiotics

Standard of living in the modern society has been changing every day in terms of health and nutrition as consumers are now more concerned and aware about their food choices. People are showing more interest in maintaining their health through food and dietary supplements rather than expensive curative medicine. In this perspective, Probiotics and prebiotics serve as functional foods which may exert physiological benefits. These probiotics and prebiotics can be consumed easily as part of a regular diet.
Probiotics – in food industry
- Generally, probiotics is a term referred to name different groups of bacteria associated with beneficial effects for humans and animals. These can be defined as live organisms which upon adequate intake may exert health benefits beyond inherent general nutrition.
- FAO/WHO addressed four simple criteria to qualify specific strains of microbes as probiotic for use in foods and dietary supplements. These include
- Probiotic strains must be adequately characterized
- They should be safe for the intended use
- The strains must be alive on the food product or dietary supplement in required doses throughout shelf life
- Probiotic strains should be supported by at least one positive human clinical trial according to recommendations and provisions of local or national authorities
- Most commonly used genera of micro-organisms in probiotic foods are Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, Saccharomyces, Streptococcus, Enterococcus, Escherichia, and Bacillus.
Prebiotics in food sector
- Prebiotics are essentially non digestible carbohydrates, selectively fermented ingredient which allows specific changes in the gastrointestinal microflora’s composition and activity and thus benefits upon host health. The prescribed criteria for a food to be labelled as prebiotic are as follows
- Should be fermented by intestinal microflora
- Should offer resistance to gastric acidity and gastrointestinal absorption
- Should ensure selective stimulation for the growth or activity of the intestinal bacteria
Sources of probiotics and prebiotics
Food sources for probiotics include fermented foods such as sourdough bread, commercial pickles, yogurts, various types of cheese, kimchi, sauerkraut, miso, tofu, raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar and many others.
Dietary carbohydrates which exert prebiotic ability include fructans, inulin, resistant starch, FOS (Fructooligosaccharides), polydextrose, lactulose, soyoligosaccharides, xylooligosaccharides, galactooligosaccharides, pectin oligosaccharides
Eurofins comprehensive portfolio of food testing services
Our team of research experts and highly capable, skilled staff perform individual evaluation of each sample for accurate identification, enumeration, contamination. Probiotic and prebiotic testing require specialized techniques and we offer testing for both pure strain and multi-strain mixtures.
Testing services offered for probiotic analysis by our state of our network laboratories:
- We can detect Lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacilli), bacterial spores, yeast etc., based on specific method of analysis.
- We also offer strain level identification for single and multiple strains by using different technology platforms like whole genome sequencing, 16s sequencing, PCR identification.
- Antimicrobial activity against pathogenic bacteria based on specific method of analysis.
- Eurofins offer label verification of major probiotic microbes like Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, Saccharomyces, Bacillus, Pediococcus, Lactococus, Propionibacterium, Streptococcus, Enterococcus, micro encapsulated products, next generation probiotics based on specific method of analysis.
- We developed techniques to assess the viability of probiotic microbes through selective enumeration and determine CFU (colony forming units) in the sample.
- We conduct shelf-life studies by testing levels of probiotic organisms in regulated time intervals and under various storage conditions.
- Eurofins offer testing services for specific probiotic organisms most commonly used in food products including Streptococcus thermophilus by following E- cultural technique based on specific method of analysis.
Testing services offered for determination of prebiotics in food
Prebiotic analysis is not much developed as probiotics. Eurofins dedication, creative thinking, innovative approach brings out a new dimension in prebiotic analyses.
- We collectively conduct stability tests for both prebiotics and probiotics.
- We are adequately equipped to conduct tests for detecting contaminants and determining water activity
- We offer quality indicator testing services for general analyses
Industries We Serve
- Dietary supplements
- Direct-fed microbials
- Probiotic & microbial strain manufacturers
- Functional foods
- Fermented foods
- Feed mills
- Pet food
- Plant & soil health
- Yogurt, including IDFA Seal testing
Eurofins significant contribution
- A broad portfolio of analyses for all your raw materials and finished products
- A customer service that ensures the personalized follow-up of your samples
- Online access to your samples and the ability to download your results via the EOL platform (Eurofins Online)
- International presence
- One stop solution