Activated Carbons

Powder activated Carbon and granular activated Carbon in food and environment testing
Activated carbons are porous substances performing a great role in various processes. Activated carbons are majorly used to purify liquids and gases in a wide variety of applications like municipal drinking water, food and beverage processing, odor removal process and industrial pollution control (environment assessment). Activated carbon or activated charcoal Increases the surface area and availability for chemical or adsorption reactions. Further chemical treatments can also increase adsorption. The significance of activated carbon is to achieve a very big internal surface (between 500 - 1500 m2/g). It is this property - large internal surface that makes active carbon ideal for adsorption.
Why activated carbons are so important?
- Removes harmful contaminants in the gas, air, and liquid phases
- Reduces operating costs
- Ensures minimal waste sludge
- Resource conservation
- Cost effective, reliable, flexible selection method
- Environmental water treatment
Variations of Activated Carbon
Activated Carbon is available in many variants.
- Powder Activated Carbon (PAC)
- Granular Activated Carbon (GAC)
- Extruded Activated Carbon
- Bead Activated Carbon
- Polymer coated Carbon
- Impregnated Carbon
- Woven Carbon
Powder Activated Carbon (PAC) are usually powders or fine granules of less than 1.0 mm in size and an average diameter between 0.15 and 0.25 mm. It is added directly to many process units such as rapid mix basins, gravity filters, clarifiers and raw water intakes.
Granular activated carbon (GAC) has a larger particle size when compared to powdered activated carbon and hence, a smaller external surface. GAC are most suitable for adsorption of vapours and gases. Mostly for water treatment, granulated active carbons are used. Other applications include deodorization, separation of components in flow system and rapid mix basins.
Activated Carbon – PAC and GAC finds applications in wide range of sectors including but not limited to
- Medical
- Industrial
- Analytical Chemistry
- Environmental
- Agricultural
- Food sector – distilled alcoholic beverage purification
- Gas Purification
- Chemical Purification
- Mercury Scrubbing
- Fuel storage and many others
Activated Carbon – for the food industry:
Food industry is one of the first industrial area where activated carbons are applied. In the sugar industry, charcoal was used for the first time in 1794. As a result of rapid developments, now a days, activated carbons are not just confined to sugar industry but also finds its applications from treatment of edible fats and oils, in the beverage sector for fruit juices and wines, to coloring for foods as E153 which is a vegetable carbon. Apart from decoloring, removal of dissolved organic compounds, controlling odor and taste lists among its functions.
Other important contributions of ACs to food sector includes -
- Treatment of sugar syrups like glucose
- Treatment of lactose and gelatine
- Purification of edible fats and oils
- Treatment of caffeine, glutamate, soup spices
- Treatment of fruit juice concentrates
- Preparation of spirits, wine, beer
- Brewing and bottling
- Ultra-pure water
Activated Carbon – for the water industry
Activated carbons serve as a powerful solution for the removal of toxic compounds like atrazine, geosmin, and methylisoborneol (MIB) from water. These are three compounds of major concern that are very critical yet very difficult to remove from potable water.
- Atrazine: A herbicide used to prevent weeds in crops such as corn and sugarcane, Atrazine is an endocrine disruptor
- Geosmin: It creates a musty taste and smell in drinking water.
- Methylisoborneol (MIB): A common taste and odor compound and is most recalcitrant against treatment.
Comprehensive portfolio of PAC and GAC services offered by Eurofins
Our laboratory is very well equipped with state-of-the-art equipment at par with international standards. In a very short span of time Eurofins has carved a distinguished niche for itself in the industry for its high-quality reliable testing and analytical services.
For both Granular and powdered activated carbons, we perform physical, adsorption and chemical tests with accuracy and reliability.
Physical tests:
- Bulk density
- Pressure drops
- Particle size
- Absolute density
- Particle density
- Mechanical strength
Adsorption tests
- Methylene blue value
- Phenazone adsorption
- General method for measuring isotherms
- Iodine adsorption
- Phenol adsorption isotherm
Chemical and Physico – chemical tests
- Moisture content
- Ph value
- Volatile matter content
- Water soluble content
- Ash content
- Self-ignition test
- Acid soluble content
- Heavy metals content
- Ignition temperature of granular activated carbon
- Test for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH)
We conduct quality analytical testing services according to
- ASTM – American Society for Testing and Materials
- EN Standards – European Standards
- EPA – Environmental Protection Agency
- CA – Prop65
- Our internal laboratory standards
The Eurofins Advantage
- Competence Centre with state-of-the-art equipment with the latest technology
- Fast turn-around time (TAT)
- Local contact with a Global Network
- Participation in industry associations and regulatory bodies allowing early advice on potential food scares and legal obligations
- Expert advice - testing schemes, on-site-check for hygiene and allergens, labelling advice and traceability
- Results you can rely on
- International presence