Equipment Validation Service

Validation is a process of establishing documentary evidence demonstrating that procedure, process or activity carried out in production operates effectively and maintains the desired level of compliance at all stages.
Validation of equipment used in food manufacturing is essential to ensure that the parameters critical to quality of the end product are monitored during the manufacturing process. Eurofins offers equipment validation service for a range of food processing equipment like autoclaves, steam sterilizers, continous sterilizers, dry roaster and many more.
Eurofins expertise and use of microbial challenge testing is a very reliable way to ensure that the process design, process parameters and equipment are effective and comply with food safety and hazards regulation.
Validation done using Enterococcus faecium ATCC 8459 (surrogate for Salmonella), Recommended by California Almond Board.
Why Validation is essential
- Equipment validation contributes significantly to the quality of the product
- To identify the worst case scenario parameters for each product
- To validate the lethality for the worst case scenario parameters using microbial challenge testing
- To identify a set of parameters for each product that will meet the minimum 4- log reduction criteria
- To optimize thermal manufacturing process by identifying the correct parameters like duration of time, minimum required temperature etc while maintaining the integrity of the product
- Helps to formulate process which is capable of consistently delivering quality products with scientific evidence
- To identify the exact manufacturing process which is critical in quality management and parameters which needs active monitoring
- To ensure that the equipment performs as per the specifications and is effective in delivering quality products
- To check and establish confidence that the process design, process parameters and equipment are effective and comply with Food safety and hazards regulation
The Eurofins Advantage
- Competence Centres with state-of-the-art equipment such as high-resolution GC, HPLCs, GCMSMS, FTIR, ELISA, HR-MS, GC-MS, HPLC, LC-MS/MS, ICP-MS, Real-time PCR and NMR systems
- Fast turn-around time (TAT)
- Local contact with a Global Network
- Participation in industry associations and regulatory bodies allowing early advice on potential food scares and legal obligations
- Expert advice - testing schemes, on-site-check for hygiene and allergens, labelling advice and traceability
- Results you can rely on
- International presence