Natural Toxins Testing

What are Natural Toxins?
Naturally occurring toxins are poisonous secondary metabolites which may be produced from plants- The toxicity of these compounds is showing adverse effects on humans and animals and consequently led to the formulation of regulations for potent natural toxins like mycotoxins, alkaloids. These natural toxins have diverse chemical structures and are different in their nature.
Different Natural Toxins and their Occurrence in Food
Natural toxins may be of plant, marine, or fungal origin.
- Natural toxins of fungal origin include mushroom toxins like death cap mushroom, aflatoxins
- Plant toxins include cyanogenic glycosides like hydrogen cyanide which may be present in bamboo shoot and raw cassava; amygdalin which is present in pear and apple seeds and also in canned fruits. Other plant originated natural toxins include furocoumarins, glycoalkaloids in potatoes, lectins in legumes, oxalic acid in vegetables like rhubarb, cucurbitacin's and enzyme inhibitors.
- Marine toxins include mercury accumulation in fish like sharks, swordfish. Particularly consumption of these toxin containing marine foods will be harmful to pregnant women and small children as mercury is reported to hamper cognitive development. Other potent natural toxins of marine origin include ciguatera toxin (due to consumption of large and older ocean fishes), scombroid poisoning (due to inadequate control of storage temperature – less than 4°C). Another well-known natural toxin that causes food poisoning is histamine.
Toxic Effects and Health Concerns
Natural toxins in food are reported to cause both acute and chronic health effects if consumed in large quantities. Acute symptoms range from mild gastrointestinal abnormality, respiratory complications, neurological illness to fatality. The effects due to consumption of these potential toxins is more in children and elderly. Particularly, within short time acute symptoms can be seen soon after consumption of marine fishes like shell fish or other sea food. Chronic toxicity is more often seen in poisoning caused by plants originated toxins like alkaloids. Long-term exposure to these toxins may impose serious health consequences on the immune, reproductive or nervous systems, and also cancer.
Eurofins portfolio covers a diverse range of confirmatory and screening methods for all kinds of food and feed matrices including but not limited to:
- Aflatoxins B1, B2, G1, G2, M1, M2
- Ochratoxin A (OTA)
- Deoxynivalenol (DON)
- Zearalenone
- Fumonisins B1, B2, B3
- T-2 / HT-2 toxin
- Citrinin
- Patulin
- Ergot alkaloids
- Pyrrolizidine alkaloids
- Hypericin
- Agaric acid
- Hydrocyanic acid
- Hypericine
- Saffrole
Regulatory Landscape
WHO in collaboration with FAO, is responsible for assessing the risks to humans of natural toxins through contamination.
Risk assessments of natural toxins in food done by the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) are used by governments and by the Codex Alimentarius Commission which is the intergovernmental standards-setting body for food to recommend maximum limits in food and also further provide risk management control or to prevent contamination. JECFA is now setting the tolerable intake level for natural toxins.
In order to protect people, natural toxins have to be consumed in very low proportions. WHO encourages national authorities to monitor and establish the levels of the most potential natural toxins as low as possible and also to comply with both national and international maximum levels, conditions and legislation.
Natural Toxins Testing Services in Eurofins
We perform advanced testing services to detect natural toxins in various food samples in accordance with FSSAI guidelines. FSSAI has recommended maximum upper limits for natural occurring toxic substances like Agaric acid, Hydrocyanic acid, Hypericine and Saffrole in food stuffs along with other toxins like Aflatoxin B1,B2,G1,G2, Ochratoxin A, Deoxynivalenol and Patulin. We perform analysis of natural toxins in various food groups like cereals and cereal products, spices, milk & dairy products, fruits & vegetables and many more.
We have advanced analytical techniques such as ELISA – Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay, HPLC, Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (LC-MSMS) for accurate, sensitive and rapid analysis of potential natural toxins.
Eurofins is ready to serve you
Eurofins group actively participates in many scientific and industry associations and in the European Mycotoxin Awareness Network to get updated about food safety concerns and preventive measure.
- Competence Centres with state-of-the-art equipment such as GC, HPLCs, GCMSMS, FTIR, ELISA, HR-MS, GC-MS, HPLC, LC-MS/MS, ICP-MS, Real-time PCR and NMR systems
- Fast turn-around time (TAT)
- Local contact with a Global Network
- Participation in industry associations and regulatory bodies allowing early advice on potential food scares and legal obligations
- Expert advice - testing schemes, on-site-check for hygiene and allergens, labelling advice and traceability
- Results you can rely on
- International presence