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Refractory Material Testing

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Comprehensive Testing for Refractory Materials by Eurofins Spectro

Refractory materials are inorganic non-metallic substances which are composed of thermally stable mineral aggregates, a binder phase, and additives. Refractory substances can withstand a varying degree of severity in terms of exposure to abrasive and corrosive solids, liquids, or gases at extremely high temperatures and are crucial in various industrial applications.

Eurofins Spectro Analytical Labs offers extensive testing services to ensure the quality and durability of these materials.

Key Characteristics of Refractory Materials

  • Withstand high and sudden temperature changes.
  • Resist action from molten metal, slag, glass, and hot gases.
  • Endure mechanical stress and abrasive environments at high temperatures.
  • Minimize heat loss from furnaces or reaction chambers.
  • Maintain low thermal expansion and chemical integrity.

Refractory Testing Services Provided at Eurofins Spectro

Physical Tests

  • Abrasion Resistance: Evaluates the material's ability to resist surface wear.
  • Acid Resistance Test: Measures resistance to acidic environments.
  • Air Permeability Test: Determines the flow rate of gases through the material.
  • Bulk Density: Assesses the material's mass per unit volume.
  • Apparent Porosity: Measures the volume of open pores.
  • Cold Crushing Strength: Tests the material's load-bearing capacity in cold conditions.
  • Pyrometric Cone Equivalent (PCE): Indicates the softening temperature range.
  • Particle Size Determination (PSD): Analyses the distribution of particle sizes.
  • BET Surface area- Analyses the BET surface area.
  • Modulus of Elasticity, Rigidity, and Poisson's Ratio: Determines mechanical properties.
  • Modulus of Rupture (MOR): Measures the flexural strength.
  • Water Absorption: Evaluates the material's water uptake.
  • Size & Dimensional Stability: Assesses the maintenance of shape under stress.

Chemical Tests

  • Wet Analysis: Analyses chemical composition
  • Inductive Coupled Plasma spectroscopy (ICP)- Analyses chemical composition
  • XRF (X-Ray Fluorescence): Analyses chemical composition.
  • XRD (X-Ray Diffraction): Determines mineralogical composition.

Thermo-mechanical Tests

  • Compressive and Flexural Stress/Strain: Up to 1550°C.
  • Thermal Conductivity and Shock Resistance
  • Thermal Expansion: Up to 1600°C.
  • Creep Test in Compression (CIC): Measures load-bearing capacity under constant load at high temperatures.
  • Specific Heat and Refractoriness under Load (RUL):
  • Permanent Linear Change (PLC): Assesses dimensional changes after heating.

Micro-structural Evaluation

  • Petrographic Analysis by Optical Microscopy: Studies the internal structure.
  • SEM/EDA/EDAX (Scanning Electron Microscopy/Energy Dispersive X-ray Analysis): Provides detailed microstructural information.

Additional Services

  • Creep Test in Compression (CIC): Determines the shrinkage under constant load and high temperature, essential for structural design.
  • Permanent Linear Change (PLC): Measures dimensional changes after heating and cooling.
  • Pyrometric Cone Equivalent (PCE): Estimates the softening temperature.
  • Abrasion Testing: Evaluates resistance to surface wear.
  • Air Permeability Testing: Assesses gas flow rates.
  • Thermal Conductivity: Measures heat transfer properties.
  • Particle Size Determination (PSD): Analyzes particle size distribution.
  • Water Absorption: Evaluates water uptake capacity.
  • Apparent Porosity: Measures the volume of open pores.
  • Cold Crushing Strength: Assesses load-bearing capacity in cold conditions.
  • Bulk Density: Indicates porosity and strength.
  • Modulus of Rupture (MOR): Measures flexural strength.

Frequently Asked Questions ( FAQ's )

What are refractory materials?

Refractory materials are inorganic, non-metallic substances designed to withstand high temperatures and harsh conditions. They are used in applications involving abrasive and corrosive solids, liquids, or gases.

Why is testing refractory materials important?

Testing ensures that refractory materials can withstand extreme conditions without failing. This is crucial for safety, efficiency, and longevity in industrial applications.

What types of tests are conducted on refractory materials?

We conduct a variety of tests including physical, chemical, thermo-mechanical, and micro-structural evaluations to assess properties like abrasion resistance, thermal conductivity, chemical composition, and more.

How do you ensure the accuracy of your tests?

We use standard test methods such as ASTM, ISO, and other accepted national and international methods. Our state-of-the-art equipment and experienced technicians ensure reliable and accurate results.

Contact us today for refractory testing with Eurofins Spectro.

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